P3 Idea: Afterlife

Group members: Tala, Pangna, Alyazia


  • Concept/Narrative: A character wakes up in a village, unaware that they are in purgatory or that they have died. The character then talks to some villagers, and decides to go on a quest to different places in that world in order to unlock clues about their death. The user will have to defeat monsters or perform certain tasks in order to reveal the clue.
  • Inspiration: We drew inspiration for the idea from a wide range of resources. I was personally interested in how different cultures perceive the afterlife and/or purgatory and wanted to explore depictions of that in our environment. We also found parallels with the video game Final Fantasy and it’s construction of worlds in a light vs. dark theme.
  • Environment: The world will be spherical and suspended in the air. Attached to it are 3 or 4 other smaller globes which are connected to the mainland with wooden bridges. The world will include a village and forest in a low poly style, and will be populated with some villagers, and monsters that will inhabit the smaller spheres connected to the main world.
  • Character(s): Main player, villagers, monsters, guide
  • Format: AR (tentative – still not sure)
  • Sketches/Map:

More images and information in the slides!

Project 3 Idea (Alex, Sree)

For our final project, we want to create a cartoonish world that consist of two parts connected by a portal in-between. The world will be a fantasy landscape with simple smooth geometry objects (landscape, plants) and fictional characters.

Below are some examples of visual inspiration for our intended style.

Reference and inspiration

Our thematic and stylistic inspiration for this world is LocoRoco, a video game developed by Japan Studios for PlayStation Portable in 2006. In this game, the player assumes a role of a cute circular creature that travels around different worlds in which they grow vegetation and defeat evil characters that want to eat them.

Map, layout

Although we did not decide on specific objects in the scenes, we have this guiding plan for the creation of our world that is divided into two parts. The first space would be a bright cute and cheerful landscape populated with fantasy plants and fictional characters that live there. The portal which would either be a bridge, waterfall or a transitional mirror which connects space 1 to space 2. The second space would represent a sort of an opposite of the first landscape. There, the general color palette and style would become much colder and darker in order to visualize a more dreadful world in which its inhabitants pose a danger to the player.


In this project, we want to reflect the narratives of duality, opposites and alternate universes.


Possible ideas for interaction are mainly centered around the ability to communicate with animated creatures that would inhabit the two worlds. The central interaction/navigation point would be the portal that would visually illustrate a transitional passage.


As of now, we are more drawn to using AR because it would complement our main concept in the project. With AR, a smartphone acts as a portal to this fiction space similarly to the portal that connects the two worlds in our story.

Project 3 Idea

Each group decides their idea for Project 3 and make a post containing below items, under category P3 Idea.

  • A description of the idea
  • Research on references and inspirations
  • A map! Sketch out the layout of the spaces
  • Reflect on the readings, what kind of narratives do you want to create?
  • What kind of formats the project 3 will be composed of, VR or AR or mixed