Project 1 Proposal

Choose a space of your world idea to work on.

Make a 6 pages Google Slides containing the below items, and embed it in a blog post, under category P1 Proposal – due on Wed 2/3

  1. Title
  2. Description: a short description about the space and the world it belongs to. Consider some of these questions:
    • What is your primary form of interaction? Where is your attention? How do you “navigate” the environment? What is the correlation between your body in VR space and your body in physical space? What aspects of the space benefit from what kind of affordances of VR?
  3. Research: find references and inspirations to back up the idea of the space of the world. Consider sources from architecture, urban design, theater, landscapes, personal experience, etc
  4. A moodboard: visual references for mood, colors, and lights
  5. A storyboard of the space in the context of a Cardboard app, and any sketches and drawings you have
    1. For the storyboard, use the template created by Vincent McCurley (template file). Print it out, if possible, and sketch on top of it.
  6. WIP: screenshots or screen recordings of the work in progress environment, source can be your phone and in Unity editor

Embed the slide

1. Publish your slide to the web
2. Choose as Link and click Publish
3. Copy the link
4. In your blog post, insert Google Slides block
5. Paste and url of your slide and click Embed

World Idea

My world is inspired by the animation of the movie Into the Spiderverse. It’s an urban landscape but in a comic-ish style, with some colours sometimes shifting in and out of focus. The effects will be like those in the movie, but I think I would like the environment to look less realistic. The Netflix movie The Liberator is a good example of how I would like the environment of my world to look (almost like it’s handpainted), though with the Into the Spiderverse effects.

I also want to effects such as sound effects and halftone to emphasise the comic feel of the environment. There’s a sort of breaking-the-fourth-wall feel to comics with their use of onomatopoeia and I want to use that as well, along with some text panels for the main character (the user) I want it to feel as though you’re the main character of a comic book.

It is different from our world in the way it looks, and of course the comic sound effects, etc (as seen in the pictures) but mainly because of the story of the main character. People go about their daily lives in the city but I’m thinking of having a quest-based story line for users such as something you’d see in a superhero comic.

Les plateformes de streaming favorisent une nouvelle ère de séries  d'animation | Télévision | Marseille News .net
The Liberator Netflix : La série est elle basée sur une Histoire Vraie ?
The Liberator Saison 1 : Explication de la fin de la série Netflix ! |  Ayther
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse': Breaking the Rules of Animation |  IndieWire

I want the characters to look more like the Liberator as well.