View from the top of one of the buildingsView inside a building(a church)
The three views above vary from each other mainly because of the different buildings that are in the field of view. In addition, from where the user is looking also affects what they see greatly. For instance, the view from the top allows the user to grasp the total casualties of the apocalypse while the ground view only allows the user to see buildings around them.
Many buildings that are partially destroyed will be include in this project to convey a post-apocalyptic site of a city. Thus, in order to distinguish one space from another, different buildings will be used at different locations. Still, those buildings will all have city-type style in order to keep this world cohered to the theme of a destructed city.
Continuing with the Sci-Fi gothic theme the level will be focused around exploring a ,large castle-like hall, sci-fi labs and enjoying the large open area view. Here are some screenshots of different levels of progress.
At the start I made a basic layout of the level and then sculpted the level using Unity Pro builderAfterwards I downloaded some assets and texture to make the scene look more completeThis is the interior of the main level. The statues are assets the rest of the level was made using pro builder.This is how the level looks like after adding texture from the unity asset store
The video and the screenshot above show my humble progress with Project 1 so far. They also represent 2 hotspots for viewing of my choice. One of them shows the above perspective where you can see what is going on and inspect the world, while the other is a first-person view of the scene where you are the imaginary character stuck in the pinball machine. I couldn’t really think of another hotspot, because, as you can see, I haven’t made a lot of progress and there is tons of stuff missing. My layout is really simple but I will work on adding more dynamic elements and interesting details to make it look more full.
After getting the primitives down I started creating the scene with assets from the asset store, I used a lot of different ones for the base I have now which includes different assets for the ground, trees, mushrooms, mushroom houses, sky box etc.
Looking at it in this stage, I am not satisfied with the visuals but I did what I could with free assets. I might attempt to create some of my own assets to exchange to make a better aesthetics.
I added the three focus points and changed the elevation in each to be different from each other. The camera, in the beginning, is behind some trees, so the player would come in feeling like somewhat of an outsider. Then they come closer being able to look at the mushroom house as well as around at the forest.
Hotspot 1
Starting PointHotspot 1 view 1Hotspot 1 view 2
Hotspot 2
Hotspot 2 view 1Hotspot 2 view 2
Hotspot 3
Hotspot 3 view 1Hotspot 3 view 2
The views that are on the ground bring the feeling of closeness to the village, you look around and get to know the area. As you go up, the player feels more in control of the location, as a protector of this forest that feeling of being able to look at and survey the small village is important.
I still need to work on changing and adding more to the scene and adding more lights for the mushrooms. I would also like to change the hotspot’s visuals to glowing mushrooms as well as adding more objects to make the village feel lived in. I also would like to work on the enemy mechanic but I am unsure how I’ll go about doing the enemy one since the environment alone takes a lot of time to complete.
I faced an issue where things would look different in the IOS build, the mushrooms went bright pink that I ended up changing the shader to a flat colored one. In the google cardboard, the ground also seemed to disappear, so I’ll need to fix that as well.
Choose 3 locations as hotspots for viewing: consider interesting perspectives, how can they be different with each other? What are the foreground views of these hotspots? Can they convey what’s going on in the space? What are the “feelings”?
Create a blog post under the category P1 Progress, to document the project progress and also address above questions.