Project 1 Documentation

Make a blog post containing the below items, and put it under category P1 Documentation

  • A link to the Github repo
  • Google Slides (embed in the post or paste link)
    1. First, show the working thing
      • A screen recording of the app
      • A screen recordings of the play mode in Unity editor (optional)
      • Multiple screenshots
    2. Secondly, explain the idea
    3. Thirdly, how it went?
      • Go through process, challenges, things you learn
      • Any documentations you have (e.g. wip screenshots, sketches)
      • Any final thoughts
  • To officially submit Project 1 for grading, email me the link to the post before class on Monday

To embed the slide

1. Publish your slide to the web
2. Choose as Link and click Publish
3. Copy the link
4. In your blog post, insert Google Slides block
5. Paste and url of your slide and click Embed