P1 Idea: Cave

What’s the World

This is an exploration of what a “newCave” might look like. We’ve thought of caves as a site of inhibition, and ancient remains. I’m interested in explroing what a cave in the present would look like.

With ancient caves we look at its walls and artifacts to figure out what happened then, if we were to construct a cave right now what would that entail. What would be the things on the walls for me.

How’s it different from the one we live in
I’m definitely thinking of this space dream like. It is different in that the interface and way it exists would not try to be “realistic” at all. The main purpose of this space would be using abstraction as a means of reflection

What do you do in this world

As I was just mentioning, ideally, the world would allow for the user to wander and introspect. I’m not sure how the layers will add up, but I would like for the user to be able to explore the space, and ideally find a bite to my life in it.


I’m really inspired by the Street Hawker shoes. I love how it explored the various layers and textures of food which allowed for an exploration of various locales and their food in China.

this link shows more about the shoe

I’m also equally inspired by cave writtings especially in ancient indian caves.

My World of Despair: P1 Progress

View from the ground
View from the top of one of the buildings
View inside a building(a church)

The three views above vary from each other mainly because of the different buildings that are in the field of view. In addition, from where the user is looking also affects what they see greatly. For instance, the view from the top allows the user to grasp the total casualties of the apocalypse while the ground view only allows the user to see buildings around them.

Many buildings that are partially destroyed will be include in this project to convey a post-apocalyptic site of a city. Thus, in order to distinguish one space from another, different buildings will be used at different locations. Still, those buildings will all have city-type style in order to keep this world cohered to the theme of a destructed city.

P1 Progress

Continuing with the Sci-Fi gothic theme the level will be focused around exploring a ,large castle-like hall, sci-fi labs and enjoying the large open area view. Here are some screenshots of different levels of progress.

At the start I made a basic layout of the level and then sculpted the level using Unity Pro builder
Afterwards I downloaded some assets and texture to make the scene look more complete
This is the interior of the main level. The statues are assets the rest of the level was made using pro builder.
This is how the level looks like after adding texture from the unity asset store