Week 1- Blog Post

Blog about a particular environment that you like and why (from physical world, from a movie, a theater set, in a book, in a gameā€¦). Think about what makes it a place – something more than a space.

My favorite environment is the Escape Room I went with my friend two months ago. It was designed based on a story of an abandoned baby who grew up at a circus and became the clown. Our goal was to discover the life story of the clown and to release his soul from the ruins of the circus. The whole room consisted of four individual spaces, and there are several puzzles we had to solve in order to get into the next room. In the first room, we had to figure out the relationship between the ‘clock’ and how we hit the ball, and to press the correct pictures on the wall in order to start the whole game. After we entered the second room, the clown played us the song he always listened to during childhood and we had to sort out five clips of the song. Also, we needed to figure out how to adjust the lighting of the room based on the most happiest nights the clown could recall. Then I entered a wardrobe while my friend entered the third room. I had to solve the puzzles alone and pass the clues to my friend so that she could stop the ceiling from falling. I was locked inside the wardrobe for the whole time until my friend solved the puzzle in the last room with my help, and we finally escaped.

The reason why I liked the Escape Room was that it provided such an immersive experience, where we learnt about a well-organized story (although it was completely fictional). Unlike all the other games I played before, it combined physical interactions with the facility and mental exercise together, and required more than simply pressing the buttons. We were truly involved in the game and became part of the space, which was explorable.