Project #3. Detoxification documentation.


Goal of game:
The goal of the game is to gather ingredients on the list (which is generated randomly) and put the items into the cauldron to cure yourself from poison.

Was the goal met? Yes it was. The list is generated randomly each time the scene is started. 5 items of 34 are picked from the list using random number as an index to that list array. The game changes its state to won as soon as the items in the cauldron match the items in the winning list (with up to 5 mistakes possible).

Randomized list.
Cauldron feedback after an item is put in.

Space description:
The space was a dungeon looking area, with random objects flying around like potions, skulls, books, cat statues and etc. In the middle of the room there was a sarcophagus with a cauldron on it.

Room design.

Light emission was used as the main source of light. None of the direct light sources was used. The emissive texture was placed on the chandeliers and the light probes were scattered around the room for the non-static objects to receive lights.

Light design.

Process and implementation:
Since our topic was poison, we came up with the idea to make the user be poisoned and make him do an antidote. The initial expectations matched the result and we are extremely happy with that. It can be imagined like an escape room where the user has to meet the goals to escape.
We started of with just placing a cauldron and and a sarcophagus in the middle of the room and tried writing the scripts.

Beginning of the project.

Then we added a collider inside of the cauldron to destroy the objects when they are collided.

object_destroyer collider

Afterwards we added the particle system to play on the collision with that object)destroyer collider

Particle system on collision

Then we added the list of object and made it randomize

List of objects.

Later on we added the winning list and made sure the it is randomized each time and printed on the clipboard. We also made a list that keeps track of objects that are being put in the cauldron and the winning condition became true as soon as the winning list matched the items in the cauldron. Also sounds were added. The main sound was the ticking clock sound which made the user feel more pressured.


The goal of the game was to make the user to gather ingredients on the list (which is generated randomly) and put the items into the cauldron to cure yourself from poison. As can be seen above, the goal is met and the user feels pressured due to the ticking sound. As soon as the user meets the goal, it makes him/her feel free and continue, alive or dead it depends on how the game goes (:


The trip to the VR park was the best class trip I’ve had so far. One of the games that I’ve loved the most was the hologate. It is a game where you are on a mission to clear the zombies. It was very interesting since it was a multiplayer game. Up to 4 players can game and this game is based on team work. People can shoot each other to heal, and without that it is very hard to survive.

Here is a small video about the game.

Another thing that I’ve noticed in the PVRK was that they had the same problem as we had which is the intersection of the base stations. Craig got really interested about it and he took several pictures of the base station covers. Unfortunately i don’t have a picture of it, but it can definitelly be a solution to our problem.

Project #3 development blog. Atoka and Max.

Development blog #1. 15/04/2019.

Atoka has been working on the environment leaving me to work with the scripts. The setup was that our project takes place in a dungeon crypt which looks something like this:

After dealing with the light settings and applying a more darker skybox (to make the crypt darker) I have encountered a small problem when I started testing the environment in the VR headset. Due to the fact that we have quite a couple of lights (18 light sources), the computer can’t handle it and simply crashes (blue screen). Our professor suggested us to use lightmapped textures to replace the light sources.

Development blog #2 5/5/2019

We have implemented most of the interactions including the cauldron and the feedback system of the cauldron. The cauldron has an invisible collider at its bottom. Anything that collides with it, gets destroyed and plays the particle system as can be seen in the picture below. User testing was also done to get feedback based on the user perspective rather than the creator perspective. Based on the user feedback we have added some teleportation points and and turned the gravity off since it was very easy. And now when the objects are released. I have started working on the scripts, started to create the script that will store the data in the cauldron, but failed miserably :/. Atoka in the meanwhile was finishing of the environment and doing the voice over (special thanks to Sebastian Caro and Ahmed Meshref) Also we have completed the lightmap using light emission textures

destroyer collider
Particle system
Teleportation points

Development blog #3 20/5/2019

The final scripts left to be done until the game is finished. In the past week we have completed the final scripts such as :
-winning list generation
-printing that list on the clipboard
-restarting the game
-game over/winning screen
-playing sounds whenever they are supposed to

Just some finishing moves and user testing and we got this:

User testing. Staring: Vivian.

Here are some screenshots of the final version:

Scripts used
Light textures

Project 2 Documentation. Don’t Feed The Plants.

This project was created together with Mai Lootah and Shenuka Corea. Since they were working more on the environment and textures and animation, I was working on the scripts and mostly will dicuss them.

This project is a greenhouse on an alien planet where you can see all sorts of alien plants. And when you place a seed in the pot and water it, something weird grows. Some plants make sound, like the one that is behind you and placed in a cage.
There were a total of two main interaction and some secondary interactions. The main interaction was tied to the seed. You can pick it up, its throwable, but the goal is to put it into the pot. Once the seed is in the pot, you can water it to make it grow. That is the second interaction which is tilting the watering jug so it could pour water. This script was a disaster since it was the first script I have ever written. The secondary interactions are the gardening instruments that can be picked up and thrown.

It started off with an empty terrain where we put an imported from the asset store greenhouse (costed is 1$) and made the outside tree meshes and grass. After the we have created a work station which included some benches from that same greenhouse asset and pots. Right after that we have added mesh colliders to every part of the work station and added a new asset which was the gardening tools. The main camera was set in front of the work station and it consisted of the “player” from the steamVR interaction example scene. After the environment was set by Shenuka and Mai, I have started working on the scripts. The first script was to make the particle system, which was attached to the water canister, play when tilted. This script used the transform.euler angle (took me a while to figure out) and when it is in the desired range, just run it. The next script was the collision detection of the seed and pot. That one was not hard: when the seed is on the soil of the pot, pass a “true” boolean value. The next script was to detect collision from the particle system to the seed. Not hard as well, same thing as with the seed and pot. Next is making a counter for the seed which will count the particles of the water only when the seed is in the pot. That is where we need the seed with pot collision script, and once there is enough water for the seed, it shrinks and the plant grows. This was another script named “growth”. If growth was true, the seed began to shrink and plant to grow. Those are all the scripts that were created to make our project 2.

Our goal was to make a greenhouse with a man-eater plant. You can find a clue about it if you look behind you (same plant in cage) and that it is dangerous. As it is seen on the pictures of the blog which was dedicated to expectations before the project was started, we have reached our expectations. The environment was really well made to understand that we are actually on an alien planet.

Storyboard before the project was created
Expectation before the project was created
First view of the greenhouse
Upgraded view of the greenhouse
The inside of the greenhouse
implementing the water pouring when tilted
Final space

Project 1 Documentation. Sunset Valley.

This project was made to show the environment that could be possibly perfect. The environment set as a goal was a sunset valley.

I have created a mountain area with trees. The main camera was set at the top of the mountain, not the highest, but then the ground level. From that point of you you could see a lovely sunset and some trees that are below you.

Process and implementation:
Using a terrain tool I have raised the terrain in some areas to make it look like mountains and using the brush tool I have added tree meshes and grass meshes. After that I have added some filters on the main camera to make the sunset look even better and move the camera using the “smooth mouse look” script. This made a wonderful representation of the sunset valley.

This places is build to make a person be immersed into a nice place where you can clear your thoughts and just relax. I have never seen a place with such sunset before personally, but now I have a goal to find something in real life that will look very similar.


My favorite interaction in life is board games. The way they are made is so simple but there are rules that you have to follow. An example would be a game called “Munchkin”. The game is a tiny version of “Dungeons and Dragons”. The goal of the game is to reach lvl10 (or lvl20 in expansions).

The game is simple and complicated at the same time. You interact with it using a rolling dice and some coins and of course the cards.

Representation in VR. Max.


My perfect representation of a VR that will be suited a for the medium is a social media network. I know that sounds a bit strange and introvertish but that is how I see VR. We use the social media every day. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and etc. Why won’t we use them in VR. Imagine you are a person that walks in the hall of your friends, watches their pictures, hit the like button, but you are actually doing it in a VR world. I think that would be an amazing representation of VR.

Development blog #2. Mai, Max and Shenuka

Pre-development blog.

Hello friends
Our virtual reality is based on not a very everyday action, but it is done very very often – Watering the plants. We came up with this idea after we have met at the market place and one of the things that have inspired us was a man-eater plant from “Little shop of horror”.
Here is the video of that plant 🙂

Our idea was to create a terrarium/greenhouse where the player would be placed and he/she will see a desk in front. So here is the storyboard.

There will be various seeds on the table, but if the person will choose a specific one, a man-eater plant will grow. Here are some pictures that really relate close to what we imagined as our environment

There will also be a man-eater plant at the back, but the person does not know about it unless he looks back 🙂
That is all for our idea, hope you like it 🙂

Development blog #2


Here is our development blog #2. We have created a work station and implemented interaction with objects. We have used the prefabs that were used in the “Steam VR” interaction example such as “throwable” script and of course the camera from it. It made it much easier since the camera contains the controllers. We created a working station which was taken from parts of the “Green house 3D” asset. We just took wooden parts and created a workbench and some shelves. After finishing with the work station and adding the “throwable” script to some cubes and spheres, we added a water jug and a pot and actually made the pot to hold objects (mesh collider), and now we can place the objects into the pot. We have also added the same scripts to the water jug. Now we were able to pick up the water jug and throw it (just for fun). After doing that we tried to add water particles to the tip of the jug to make it pour water. We have added the “Water FX” asset, but it had only rain. We have decided to change the area of the rain to a tiny area and make the source be the tip of the water jug. There were some problems with gravity and at that moment we have stopped 🙂

Here are some videos :

Development blog #3

Greetings. This week was the biggest move for us. We have finished the project and we have implemented a lot of new things and updated some scripts:
-Water from watering can fixed and now works only when can is tilted more than 45 degrees
-Added a seed interaction with the pot. When the seed is in the pot and is watered, it grows.
-Added some plants for the inside of the greenhouse
-Added more trees on the outside of the greenhouse
-Added a “small” butterfly 🙂
-Added a cage with a plant at the back
-Implemented sounds
-Added some throwable objects

Here is a short video of the project.

Development blog #1

I was thinking of making an enchanted forest virtual reality, but my data got deleted due to an unexpected computer reboot and I saw some of the presentations of projects in class. I was thinking on what virtual reality to create since there already was an enchanted forest, and I have came up with a lovely idea to make a beautiful sunset valley. Inspiration for this was a very well-known game “Legends of Zelda: Breath of the wild”. Here are some screenshots from the game:

So I have used some asset from the asset store to get the terrain modifier tool and used a preset terrain. I’ve added some textures and meshes to make it look like a forest valley in the mountain area, to make it look like in the game.

Battlerite (blog 02/04)

One of my favourite places that I am comfortable in is a gaming room on campus (won’t specify where it is). I love gaming because it makes me not think about my surroundings and dive into another reality. One of my favourite games is Battlerite. It is a free to play game available on steam. “Battlerite is an action-packed Team Arena Brawler focused on competitive PvP combat. Fight side by side with teammates to the sound of the roaring crowd in vibrant, colosseum-style surroundings. The arena awaits!” ( It is a wonderful game, which makes me an arena gladiator where you don’t have to scale your character. Just pick one and off for battle!

Figure 1: Example of champions of Battlerite.

Development blog 1. Blinov Maxim