Project 1 Proposal

Choose a space of your world idea to work on.

Make a 6 pages Google Slides containing the below items, and embed it in a blog post, under category P1 Proposal – due on Wed 2/3

  1. Title
  2. Description: a short description about the space and the world it belongs to. Consider some of these questions:
    • What is your primary form of interaction? Where is your attention? How do you “navigate” the environment? What is the correlation between your body in VR space and your body in physical space? What aspects of the space benefit from what kind of affordances of VR?
  3. Research: find references and inspirations to back up the idea of the space of the world. Consider sources from architecture, urban design, theater, landscapes, personal experience, etc
  4. A moodboard: visual references for mood, colors, and lights
  5. A storyboard of the space in the context of a Cardboard app, and any sketches and drawings you have
    1. For the storyboard, use the template created by Vincent McCurley (template file). Print it out, if possible, and sketch on top of it.
  6. WIP: screenshots or screen recordings of the work in progress environment, source can be your phone and in Unity editor

Embed the slide

1. Publish your slide to the web
2. Choose as Link and click Publish
3. Copy the link
4. In your blog post, insert Google Slides block
5. Paste and url of your slide and click Embed

P1 Idea

Start to think about a world you are interested to create. Create a blog post containing below items, and put it under category P1 Idea

  1. Brief responses to these questions
    • What’s the world?
    • How’s it different from the one we live in?
    • What do you do in this world?
  2. 4 images for references

Reading Response 1

Post a brief response to the reading (1-2 paragraphs), and put it under category Reading Response 1. Choose one of the following questions to address in your response, and be ready to talk about them in class next week

  • Where do you think VR falls in terms of being an additive or an expressive form (or somewhere in between)?
  • Taking one of Murray’s four principle properties of digital environments, how do you see VR representing that property?