Project 3 Documentation

Make a blog post containing below items, and put it under category P3 Documentation.

  1. A link to the Github repo, which contains the complete Unity Project
  2. Google Slides (embed in the post or paste an accessible link)
    • First, show the working thing
      • A screen recording of the app
      • A video recording of an user using the app
      • Several presentable screenshots
    • Secondly, explain the idea
      • What’s the experience and world view, what’s the motivation and goal
    • Thirdly, how did it go?
      • Go through process, challenges, things you learn
      • Any documentations you have (e.g. WIP screenshots, sketches)
      • Any final thoughts

To officially submit Project 3 for grading, email me the link to the post before class on Monday.

P3 Development Journal

Everyone creates one blog post as the development journal. Think of it as a diary for your project. It serves as a personal documentation and also a way for me to see what’s your contribution to the project.

You can have an analog journal, and add photos of the content in the post (highly recommended!).

The journal can include (but not limited to):
– Sketches, doodles, and handwriting texts
– Reflection on what worked and the difficulties
– Share discoveries
– Decision making process
– User feedback
– Any other thoughts and media

You should append the journal on top based on dates, for example:

I discovered an very interesting thing while I was doing ____
etcetera etcetera etcetera 

Our group discussed about the ideas and found it was challenging to ____ so we decided to ____
etcetera etcetera etcetera 

Project 3 Idea

Each group decides their idea for Project 3 and make a post containing below items, under category P3 Idea.

  • A description of the idea
  • Research on references and inspirations
  • A map! Sketch out the layout of the spaces
  • Reflect on the readings, what kind of narratives do you want to create?
  • What kind of formats the project 3 will be composed of, VR or AR or mixed

Invisible Cities reading response

Post a semi-brief (2-3 paragraphs) response to one of the following prompts for the reading, and put it under category Reading Response 4

  • Is there a city that stood out, or that you found especially memorable? Why? Does any city remind you of a city you have lived in or visited, and if so, in what ways?
  • Many cities are described in explicit detail—magnolia gardens, radiator pipes, facades, inhabitants—but some aspects are more abstract. How might these more conceptual details translate into a virtual environment and what we might do while there?
  • In any given city, what role does time play? In what ways does the storyteller use time to convey an impression of the city?

Project 2 Progress


  1. An app screen recording of the navigation in action
  2. Some answers for these questions:
    • Why do you choose to navigate the space in this way?
    • How does the navigation affect the user’s feelings about the space?
    • In what way can the environment interact with the user when navigate?


  1. Based on feedback, pick one interaction to implement for Project 2
  2. Storyboard the interaction with sketches, and detail the plan to inspire the user to carry it out:
    • Why do you want to carry out that action?
    • How do you inspire the user to carry it out? What’s the cue?
    • How to satisfy the expectation?

Project 2 Idea

  • A screen recording of the WIP app
  • Few screenshots of the WIP app
  • 1~2 sentences of:
    • Thoughts on how will your space evolve with this transformation
    • Thoughts about “In what way makes the most sense to navigate this space”. Consider how can the world view of the space benefit from the navigation
  • Identify 3 key interactions for your Project 2 (Suggestion: why not try something weird and uncertain?). Think of actions involving one body part (hand, foot, head, etc) and an “object”. For each interactions, consider why and how

Project 1 Documentation

Make a blog post containing the below items, and put it under category P1 Documentation

  • A link to the Github repo
  • Google Slides (embed in the post or paste link)
    1. First, show the working thing
      • A screen recording of the app
      • A screen recordings of the play mode in Unity editor (optional)
      • Multiple screenshots
    2. Secondly, explain the idea
    3. Thirdly, how it went?
      • Go through process, challenges, things you learn
      • Any documentations you have (e.g. wip screenshots, sketches)
      • Any final thoughts
  • To officially submit Project 1 for grading, email me the link to the post before class on Monday

To embed the slide

1. Publish your slide to the web
2. Choose as Link and click Publish
3. Copy the link
4. In your blog post, insert Google Slides block
5. Paste and url of your slide and click Embed

Project 1 Progress

Choose 3 locations as hotspots for viewing: consider interesting perspectives, how can they be different with each other? What are the foreground views of these hotspots? Can they convey what’s going on in the space? What are the “feelings”?

Create a blog post under the category P1 Progress, to document the project progress and also address above questions.

Reading Response 2

Post a brief response (1-2 paragraphs) to the reading, Hamlet on the Holodeck, Ch 4: Immersion, and put it under category Reading Response 2.

Execute and address the below question in your response, be ready to talk about them in class next week

  • Take a look at the Google Cardboard official app (Android, iOS)
  • Try another 1 to 2 mobile VR experiences (source: Within, youtube etc)
  • Evaluate their level of immersion, what works and what does not?

Do not emphasize graphics, but instead evaluate using the concepts Murray introduced, e.g. Active Creation of Believe, threshold object, border of illusion, role of the participant, smart costume, mechanics to simulate physical acts, and any other elements of immersion that are not covered in the chapter.