
Schedule of Due Dates

  • 09/8 – Project #1 Assigned
  • 09/22 – Project #1 DUE (~2 weeks)
  • 09/29 – Project #2 Assigned
  • 10/13 – Project #2 DUE (~2 weeks)
  • 10/27 – Final Project Assigned
  • 12/13 – Final Project DUE (~6.5 weeks)

Course Assignments

This is a production-oriented course, grounded in rigorous design practice and technological framework. Students will be expected to deliver both individual and group projects during the semester, following a clearly defined iterative design loop.

Project 1 This project will be a solo project, allowing students to familiarize themselves with the Unity development workflow and the basics of spatialized storytelling.

Project 2 The second project will be completed in groups of two, introducing the XR Interaction Toolkit as a means for VR navigation and interaction creating deeper immersion and agency.

Project 3 The third project will be a group project. Each group will create a series of spaces that unfold a narrative through user interactions, spatialized audiovisual design.  This project will be required to be deployed to the Oculus Quest 2.

** All students will be expected to make a weekly post individually, whether doing a solo or group project. The posts are intended to document successes and failures during the development of each project, including technical difficulties, design iterations and user feedback. Having a habit of posting timely and thoroughly throughout the development can significantly inform the project’s final documentation. **

There will be reading responses throughout the semester and during spring break as well.  Students are expected to respond with 1 to 2 paragraphs by answering the prompt questions and/or self initiated questions as directed.  In addition, there will be in-class discussions of the readings and responses.

Grading of Assignments

Project should be submitted officially via email. The email should contain:
(1) a link to a Github repository, which containing the source code of the project
(2) a link to a post, which containing a presentation
(2) a build of the project
When applicable, one submission per group is enough.

The weekly Project progress post will be graded on:
(1) timely submission of scheduled entries and additional entries when updates or specific improvements have been made
(2) the thoroughness of the post (e.g. showing the background research, the design thinking that led to this or that evolution, the taking into account of user feedback)
(3) the use of visual media (e.g. screenshots of code/editor, pictures of paper sketches, videos or gifs of interactions implemented).

Reading response will be given on a semi-regular basis to evaluate the knowledge acquired through the readings and lectures, and to encourage research into current practices and opinions. Students are expected to complete them and share them in class.

Project 1 will be graded on

(1) the development of a virtual space

(2) research of the storyworld

(3) takes advantage of the affordance of VR

(4) creates a sense of place and drama

– 17.5%

Project 2 will be graded on

(1) the implementation of navigation and at least 2 different VR interactions

(2) few iterations based on user testing feedback

(3) wether the interactions create a sense of agency, leveraging the best practices of VR Interaction Design

– 17.5%

Project 3 will be graded on

(1) the implementation of at least two spaces, containing at least two interactions

(2) an emotionally evocative virtual world which offers some essence of narrative

(3) shows a command of VR user experience design with particular focus on standalone VR affordances

(2) few iterations based on user testing feedback

(3) the use of sound within the piece in support of the narrative

 – 30%

All projects will be graded on

(1) functionality (is the application free of unintentional bugs? is it usable by someone else than the developers?) 

(2) on how well the interactions are implemented (are they surprising? can they be used in creative ways? what message do they convey?)

(3) Is there a clearly defined storyworld?

In addition, students participation during discussions in lectures will contribute to a higher final grade.