
VR Station Guidelines

Please Read VR Station Guidelines

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Links from Readings

Janet Murray – Hamlet on the Holodeck
Duck Amuck
Winsor McCay’s Gertie
Brenda Laurel and Rachel Strickland Placeholder (start at about 5:50)
More on Placeholder

3D Model Resources

Unity Resources
Unity Manual – The Main Windows
Unity Manual for Version 2019.2
Unity Tutorials
Unity Interface Overview
Unity Standard Assets (basic 2D and 3D scenes)
How to Start Your Development Project

Unity Resources: Audio
Unity Audio Overview
Steam Audio
Steam Audio Downloads
Steam Audio Documentation
About Spatialization Plugins

Unity Resources: 3D
Working with 3D Game Kit
Unity Resources: Assets
Awesome Unity (Assets)
Kenney Assets
Dev Assets
GameDev Market
Article on Top Sites for Free 3D Game Art

Unity Resources: Animation
Bringing in Character Models and Animations

Unity Resources: C#
About Namespaces
Coding Simple Rigidbody Movement
Simple RigidBody Movement (Moving the Player but applicable to other physics-based object)
Transform Translate vs. Rigidbody Velocity
When to Use Time.deltaTime

Unity Resources: Raycasting
Explanation of differences between Ray, RaycastHit and Physics.Raycast

Vive SDK, Controllers & Unity
Unity SteamVR 2.0 Input using Actions – This is a very good video that shows how to link actions to inputs on the controller and implement a script that works with both. (Code example covered in class.)
HTC Vive Tutorial for Unity – This is an excellent walk through of using SteamVR and changing inputs for the Vive controllers. (We went through come in class but this also covers changing the hand type.)
SteamVR Unity Plugin – Input System (PDF)
Binding an Action in SteamVR Input Window – Similar information to above but from the SteamVR support site.
SteamVR Unity Plugin – Several articles from Steam VR.
SteamVR Planting Tutorial – still looking for the sample code on this but a good walkthrough nonetheless.
A Complete Guide to the SteamVR 2.0 Input System – another version of setting up the actions (haven’t tested this one yet)
Virtual Reality Interactions with Steam VR – Walk through of making an interaction with the Vive Controller and SteamVR Input.
SteamVR Hand Animation – Skeleton Poser Tutorial
SteamVR Updates: How to Set Up Teleport Mechanics – Straightforward instructions on how to use the teleport prefabs in the SteamVR plugin.
Vive Teleporter Code – On Github – More in depth instructions and example files for setting up teleportation in your project.

Google Cardboard
Quickstart for Google VR in Unity for iOS
Quickstart for Google VR SDK in Unity for Android
GoogleVR for Unity on Github
GoogleVR Reference for Cardboard Prefabs
VR Titles
VR Titles (in progress)
Note: Titles in yellow on first page still need to be copied to their respective platform sheet.
VR Titles for Interaction:
All of these are currently FREE and available through Steam. If you do not see the title as part of our NYUADIM library, do a search and then select Play (or Install).

  • The Lab
  • The Cubicle
  • Waltz of the Wizard – in one spot?
  • The Body VR
  • Discover Egypt: King Tut’s Tomb
  • Nevrosa: Prelude (CAUTION: horror, room scale)
  • Tilt Brush – painting in space
  • Cosmic Sugar – nebulus shape-making, not really a full environment
  • Google Earth VR – various ways to move
  • Wake Up – older, with interesting interaction
  • Accounting (old version with interesting interaction
  • Virtual Virtual Reality

VR Titles for Narrative:
Some of these are FREE and others have been purchased for NYUADIM. All are available through Steam. If you do not see the title as part of our NYUADIM library, do a search and then select Play (or Install).

  • Abbots Book
  • Colosse
  • ABE VR
  • Invasion
  • Luna
  • La Camila – A VR Story
  • Pearl
  • Age of Sail
  • The Night Cafe: A VR Tribute to Van Gogh
  • The Price of Freedom