Development Journal P3 Sree

Project 3: Exploring Duality!

Group: Alex and Sree 😀


We had a lot of work plated around, so we met a couple times, and a lot of our production/ideation also happened through messenger chats and links shared.

We realized that we had a mutual interest in thinking about something that wasn’t lead with a “narrative” per se, and vibed really well in our aesthetic interests.


We shared things we found interesting in terms of the aforementioned aesthetics. Alex shared with me the moodboards she had for her pitch and we decided that we would be going in that direction. I shared the below examples as sound environments inspirations.

We wanted the world to react similarly to how the sound changed with the position/exccitement of the character
interesting specific sound work

Also, Alex aestheticized (the super cool designer she is) our sketches/idea for the worlds and their portal existence.


I need to figure out this portal! I’m looking at a bunch of the lab sessions we had, and also for the tutorials I could look at to figure this out. I know there’s one that has a good bit of code in it.. but trying to find something perhaps easier?

Scene manager could be used to trigger, but I want something more seamless.


It’s going to have to be the Brackeys video. it’s fine I can sit this through–there’s a shader I’ll have to steal!

Okay I need to look at some AR basics again and understand how this works–getting a barebones scene


Okay, so this portal isn’t working.. I’m going to have to rebuild everything, and hopefully separately to see if the world works.


Portal work is starting to feel redundant, I should probably think about the sound world, and start implementing. I can make an initial list of what the world are and they sound like, and select some basic world sounds/environments. I have two in mind as of now as the core sounds environments.

core music for the dissonant world
core music for the pleasant world


Okay! The portal works independently. I built it initially separately with no AR camera, and then rebuilt with the AR camera. Turns out the main thing I was missing was adding a Rigidbody and collider to the AR camera, and the collider plane detects the transition to the other world.


The portal is having issues into AR from the editor view, So we might have to have a backup which woudl still trigger a different scene using scene manager (This is what I ended up using in the final project)

I combined two mechanisms, first one to “Show” the other world (inside) the portal by having a camera in the other world mirroring its view on a plane.

The second mechanism was a simple colider trigerring a new scene. As soon as the person approached the portal, it triggered a different scene which would do the opposite, spawning in the other world, with the portal in this world showing the previous.

This was the glitchy backup we had to resort to since the working portal would’nt translate to AR.

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