We split the islands into the three of us and I came up with the idea behind the one I will be working on which is based around Gluttony.
The island is going to be a sort of maze/platformer covered with giant food. The player has to go through and resist the temptations of food, they can eat to make the stage easier to navigate through however if they eat too much they become overweight and cant move and thus have to start over. This is to relay the message of enjoying the things in life in limited quantities in order to be able to move forward and how gluttony and giving into too many temptations would cause harm in the long run. The player has to make it to the goal in order to continue to the next island.
I sketched how I wanted the map to kind of look like (subject to change since I might be making it smaller as I create it in unity depending on how it runs on AR)

I also tested out assets on Unity.

Finally, I found a free dialogue system for unity that works pretty well, just needs some tweaking and additional work to make it work with mobile.

Created the base final layout without the food parts of it (Just the islands and trees etc.)

Also coded and drew hearts for the health system (Still haven’t tested it if it is working properly as I wanted to work on getting the animations and placement of the foods)

Coded the movement of the donut pieces and figured out how to make it work with collisions. (Instead of using rigidbody on the donuts I just added a box collider and an “isTrigger”).

I also updated the health system by making it destroy the game object food when the player gets hurt so its like the player ate it.

I completed the navigation and prefabs/layouts. The only thing I couldn’t yet figure out on the base level is the game mechanics for the boss throwing food at the player and the player having to dodge.

I conducted a play test: (Please ignore the screaming child in the background haha)
Through the playtest I realized that the game has a lot of faults especially in terms of navigation. So I updated the hotspot locations and added a few new ones to make movement easier. I also discovered that the hitbox for the donuts was a little too large and I adjusted that as well. From the feedback, I also now know I need to add more simple instructions to let the player know what they’re doing in terms of every part of the stage; The ability to move the smaller food items, the maze being a maze, and to dodge and get to the hole behind the boss in the last area (I also need to get the mechanics for that down or come up with another simpler idea if it still didn’t work). I’m also struggling with getting the game over screen to work so I’ll have to figure that out as well.
Summary of things I still need to do:
- Get the gluttony monster mechanic to work
- Add sound effects and music
- Add some sort of instructions
- Fix navigation + game over/scene change
Added sign instructions, fixed some more navigation and collider issues.

Also got the game over scene + scene change to the next scene based on the box collider trigger to work.