for the project I was tasked to make the slow-motion and movement and shooting mechanics for the game. so for the first week I tested on how the slow motion mechanics work in unity and how I can translate unity’s FPS template into the VR game. I was able to able to make a first person camera and movement using Nav Mesh AI but the slow motion of mechanic was inconsistent and did not slow down things as I wanted to be. But overall I got a sense of how the mechanic will work and I can experiment for the rest of the week on how to make the slow motion system.
I was able to figure out how the slow-motion can work in relation to the Nav Mesh movement system (unity forums helped with 70% of the code). I download some assets and animations from mixammo and SketchFab. I also found an low poly human asset that was made of several parts that could be moved around individually so it made for some good shattering effects. I was able to achieve a lot this week as the most important and weird thing the slow motion worked and the rest was just following YouTube tutorials to implement others things. so by the end of the week I was able to make a small working demo of how the game will work like that included enemy AI, Special effects, shooting and slowmo mechanics and fun trickshots.

for the third week I started working on my level. since it was the third and last level of the game wanted to portray it as being grand giving the sense that you as the player have reached the deepest files of the computer. to start the level off I downloaded some assets from sketch fab that looked like a big obelisk. after that I wanted to plan a way for the player to reach the obelisk from the starting point. I started by making a bridge from where the player spawned to the entrance to the obelisk. This along with giving the level a nice linear design allowed the player to soak in the details of the level.
Afterwards I refined the way the player would move across the bridge by adding enemies and making a section where the bridge would fall and the player would have to traverse the broken part my going on a platforming section. this allowed me to break the constant shooting the player had to do and allowed for some room for creativity. for this I imported more bridge assets from Sketchfab and deconstructed them to make them look like a cluttered mess the player had to navigate through to reach the other side of the bridge.

After completing this section I felt that the assets did not go well with the design of the level I wanted to portray. therefore I started looking for something that might tie in all the assets as one as well as give the final level a DOS type feel to it. after a while I found two shaders that would help me achieve this. one was a wireframe shader that displayed the raw mesh of assets and the other was a shader that only showed the edges of objects. I combined these two by first making putting the wireframe on the assets I wanted and second by putting the edge detecting shader on a cube, making it transparent and putting it on the camera so that the shader is applied to everything the player looks at. with this I was able to achieve the results above.
After making the bridge section of the level I wanted to make a section where the player would go up the obelisk to find the data there. I stated my making a staircase where the player would go up while encountering enemies to reach the end goal. but after making the stair case it became apparent that it make the section uninteresting as the player only moved up the stairs and shot enemies. instead I made the staircase into two segments with floors in between them. this allows easy placement of enemies as well as a more defined approach to the level.

I spent some time refining the level by adjusting the position of enemies and assets as well as polishing and removing bugs from the level. I also added a trigger function to the level which deloaded the previous segments of the level and loaded in the new segments of the level to reduce the amount of recourses being used by the level