Development Journal

Group members: Tala, Pangna, Alyazia

02/05 – User test and final screenshots from the app.

User test video:

Based on the user test, there were some issues with the consistency of the elements as some of the spiders and beetles weren’t functioning properly. The user liked the use of the hotspots and stated that it made their navigation easier and more interesting. There was also one interaction that the user couldn’t get to because they kept losing, which is turning wrath into a flower.

Turning wrath into a flower

29/04 – My main focus after completing the interactions (adding all the layers, tags, box colliders and rigid bodies) was to code the final interaction that will move the user to the next level. The final interaction was the wrath monster that is placed at the end of the level surrounded by smaller insect monsters that are protecting him by attacking the user. I didn’t want the interaction to just be killing the monster or making him disappear. So I thought why not turn the monster in to a flower? If the user made it this far into the level, that means that they succeeded at not becoming too wrathful, thus getting a flower instead of a monster seemed like a nice symbol for rewarding victory.

The code that turns the monster into a flower

Also, there were two last minute additions I made to the world. One of them was the little flames made with a particle system, that are placed everywhere around the islands, in order to make the user’s experience a bit harder. The flames are also draggable, so from a safe distance the user can click on them and drag them away from the path.

The second addition was a little sign at the beginning of the scene:

26/04 – I began populating the world with the monsters, and I also decided on my hotspots. The hotspots are meant to make the navigation of the world a bit easier and faster, since walking through it takes a lot of time. We added code that would make the user able to click on a hotspot and be transported to the nearest one. I wanted the hotspot to be within my theme for the sake of consistency, so I decided on using a glowing fire crystal.

The final world with all the assets:

19/04 – This week I focused on finalizing the layout of my level, by constructing the final island and settling on the assets and interactions. My scene consists of three main islands that the user is able to walk on. I wanted to have three levels within my level in some way, so I plan on using different assets on each island. For example, the first one is smaller so I want to populate it with spiders that attack the user and make it harder to pass through the bridge. For the second island, I plan to throw in some dragons that are either flying up and down to attack the user, or on the ground walking around. For the final island, that’s where I will have the wrath monster that I found on SketchFab, and this is the final interaction that the user has to do before moving on to the next level.

There was also the opening scene that will appear on all of our screens when the user moves to each of our levels, and we used a scene list to include the hierarchy of all the scenes. The first level is Wrath, then it will move to Gluttony then to Greed. We also coded the transition between scenes and added it to the AR camera.

Level 1 Screen

We also all started adapting Alyazia’s health system into our levels to ensure that there is consistency for the entire game and used or statements so that the system applies to all of our scenes. We also decided to give the user 8 hearts in total, since there are a lot of interactions, and we kept losing when we only had 4 heart in the beginning :p

12/04 – I started building my level after choosing the theme of “Wrath”. I initially just started testing out the assets, as well as collecting more assets depending on what monsters and and elements I wanted to have the user interact with. i went on SketchFab and searched for models of monsters like dragons and spiders, and the reason behind that is the fact that I began to think what would suit the theme of Wrath. I reached the conclusion that I should include things that personally make me angry

06/04 – We started a Unity project and decided to use Unity Collab in order to collaborate more easily. We then began looking for assets that would help us create out world according to our vision for the aesthetics. We found great low poly style assets and added them to the project file, and found cool monsters on SketchFab that we could use to portray the sins. The monsters were monochrome, which we though was great as we could customize the material for each one according to what looks better with out theme.

30/03 – Sketched out our visualization of the world in order to make it easier for planning the project in Unity. Made a mood-board combining different elements and/or aesthetics we would like our project to contain. Discussed character POV, and scripting elements for the project. Made presentation to pitch idea to the class.

29/03 – Our group discussed all the ideas we had for project 3, and while it was very difficult to narrow it down to one concept to make it more focused, we managed to settle on the overall narrative and aesthetic of the world. We initially wanted to create a world depicting different versions of the afterlife, and to an extent that is still the case. Hence, we decided to go in the direction of creating am environment where the user is in limbo, or purgatory, and are unaware of their own death. We also decided to go for a low poly style, and started looking into making assets in that aesthetic, as well as finding them in the asset store.

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