Reading Response 4

Invisible cities was a incredible read . There were a lot of cities that caught my interest with there weird and fantasy like structures but if would would pick one I would say Cities and Desire 1: city of Dorothea. The city highlights the importance of different perspectives. The city also tells of how a person’s own interests can wary their experiences as Marco being a merchant describes the “bergamot, sturgeon roe, and amethysts” that the city contains while a person interested in ruling will only see how it fits in the grand scheme of things.  Dorothea tells about the different number of worlds out there to experience. Cities and the sky 1. The city of Tanara functions as a hub of symbolism where everything is depicted through signs and prints. The vendors’ wares show how symbols themselves aren’t valuable and don’t mean anything on their own. Instead, they connote the value or the meaning of something else.

These concepts of illusions and perspectives are very interesting and if these things are to be represented in a virtual environment there are a lot of possibilities to be played around with them. one of them could be of symbols or items that the player at first glance sees as useless or having on interaction. but as the player gets more information through a story the player can revisit the item or symbol and try to use it with new found knowledge in order to open or progress the story. another aspect can be the player revisiting the same location again and again but with different objectives in mind that could lead them to different places as they would see the location with a different perspective. or something related with reversing time where the player on his first playthrough would encounter and do the story as they please. but they have the options to go back a certain period in the game to change something in the current state of the game because they now have a different perspective or objective to accomplish in the game.

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