Project 2 Progress (Navigation)

  • Navigation

In the screen recording, you can see I have updated the layout by adding walls around the pinball “table” to create a feeling of being entrapped. In this iteration, the user can navigate the environment by walking and flying to the hotspots that provide different perspectives on the scene. However, I think my layout is too large for walking, you can’t really go far, unfortunately.

I actually wanted to give the user the ability to climb the wall at certain spots, however, it is not working as of now. I will make sure to figure it out as I continue working on the project/.

  • Interaction

Based on the feedback from our last class, I would like to give the user an ability to interact with the ball in the scene by playing with the flappers at the end of the board, like in the classic pinball game. For that I will have to figure out how to make the ball move around the board on its own and bounce from the obstacles. The interaction will be executed by tapping with your finger on the flappers.

One thought on “Project 2 Progress (Navigation)”

  1. Adding walls to enhance the being trapped feeling works very well! I really like how the environment evolved. For your environment, it’s naturally that you’d want to interact with the flippers, but I think it could also be interesting to stick with the perspective of being small in this environment. The user can start without knowing the environment is a pinball machine, and slowly through navigation and interactions, the users realize they are trapped in the pinball machine. Kind of like the concept of an island is actually a shell of a large sea turtle!

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