Project 2 Idea: My World of Despair AR

My World of Despair AR vs My World of Despair VR

This AR world will allow users to navigate freely in the space provided. They will get a sense that they are walking, climbing, or falling as if they are in a real world. In the VR world however, users feel like they are entitled to go to those specific locations because they need to click on a hotspot to relocate.

Interaction Ideas

1. Free Navigation

Similar to my VR world, users will be placed in the middle of the ruined city to heighten their curiosity and sense of exploration. However, instead of jumping from one point to another, users now have the ability to walk to where their hearts desire. They could use their hands to open doors and pick up objects. To climb buildings, they could use their legs to push them up and hands to grab on to the buildings’ bricks.

Inside a building
2. Free Fall

My AR world will also include several teleportation hotspots. When users step on these hotspots, I imagine the following could happen:

  1. Users will be teleport toward the sky and then they will fall down toward the ground. As they are falling down, they can see all the buildings below them getting bigger and nearer. They can move their arms as if they are swimming to slow down their fall.
  2. Besides falling through space, users are also falling through time into the past. Thus, in addition to seeing buildings becoming bigger and nearer, they see those buildings reverting to their pre-destruction conditions. As they land on the ground, they will notice that their surrounding has changed dramatically.
Falling from the sky

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