P1 Progress

After getting the primitives down I started creating the scene with assets from the asset store, I used a lot of different ones for the base I have now which includes different assets for the ground, trees, mushrooms, mushroom houses, sky box etc.

Looking at it in this stage, I am not satisfied with the visuals but I did what I could with free assets. I might attempt to create some of my own assets to exchange to make a better aesthetics.

I added the three focus points and changed the elevation in each to be different from each other. The camera, in the beginning, is behind some trees, so the player would come in feeling like somewhat of an outsider. Then they come closer being able to look at the mushroom house as well as around at the forest.

  • Hotspot 1
Starting Point
Hotspot 1 view 1
Hotspot 1 view 2
  • Hotspot 2
Hotspot 2 view 1
Hotspot 2 view 2
  • Hotspot 3
Hotspot 3 view 1
Hotspot 3 view 2

The views that are on the ground bring the feeling of closeness to the village, you look around and get to know the area. As you go up, the player feels more in control of the location, as a protector of this forest that feeling of being able to look at and survey the small village is important.

I still need to work on changing and adding more to the scene and adding more lights for the mushrooms. I would also like to change the hotspot’s visuals to glowing mushrooms as well as adding more objects to make the village feel lived in. I also would like to work on the enemy mechanic but I am unsure how I’ll go about doing the enemy one since the environment alone takes a lot of time to complete.

I faced an issue where things would look different in the IOS build, the mushrooms went bright pink that I ended up changing the shader to a flat colored one. In the google cardboard, the ground also seemed to disappear, so I’ll need to fix that as well.

Google Cardboard Build Screen recording

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