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Taking one of Murray’s four principle properties of digital environments, how do you see VR representing that property?

For me one of the principles that best represent VR is that digital environments are spatial. One of the core purposes of VR is to transport you to a digital world that is as real and believable as the world we live in. VR goes beyond the 3D/2D constraints of any other medium and that it allows for more immersive experience to be had. VR provides more special interactions and world building that are simply not possible in a convention video game or any other piece of interactive medium. One of the best examples of spatial advantage that VR has can be seen in the ending of one of the best VR game Half-life: ALEX (would not recommend spoiling the ending for yourselves) its ending interaction with the player is something that is only possible because of the existence of VR. VR also allows for better exploration of the environment if done right. Rather than having to make a camera that allow for special movements VR naturally facilities dynamic player camera movement to have movements like peeking, looking into around tight spots or simply looking at things for different angles by rotating the object with the VR controllers. Things like these have to be scripted or intentionally coded into a non VR game therefore the spatial movement is limited.

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