P1 Idea: Grimdark

The idea for my first project will be based on a subgenre of dystopian future called Grimdark. This subgenre is know for dark, amoral and violent themes that takes a very unique approach to future worlds and societies.

The World:

It exists in the far future where humans have colonized much of the galaxy. however the human race is facing many extreme dangers that threaten it from within and from the outside. There is no peace among the stars as for millennia the human race is at war with other worldly foes and traitorous humans.

Difference between our world

The promise of technological growth is gone. it has been centuries since anything new has been invented. besides moving forward human kind has resorted to religious fanaticism where they worship there leaders and are willing to destroy anything that undermines their plans. everything has a gothic and eerie feel to it. The atmosphere is dark and hopeless. There are large hive cities where humans spend all their lives manufacturing weapons, food and other things to help with the never ending war. Many planets have become death worlds where never-ending amounts of conflicts happens and no value of life is given

What happens in this world

You are one amongst untold billions that are willing to sacrifice themselves to see the plans of your leaders is uphold . you are sent as a disposable soldier amongst millions to the frontlines in hopes of keeping the enemy at bay. you are garrisoned in a large gothic structure armed with various futuristic tech/ biomechanical tech. looking outside the garrison near a fortification you see the terrifying scale of war and the impending doom as the enemy forces draw closer.

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