Development Journal: Interaction Project

For this interaction project, we initially had several outdoors-oriented ideas to work off of, including camping, gardening, and rock climbing. Eventually, however, after some consideration, we decided to go with a 3D block/cube-based calculator. In this environment, the user would be able to drag and snap blocks together to calculate results from the block’s contents. The idea was to focus not only on interactions between the user and the the block (e.g. dragging), but also on interactions between the blocks themselves. For example, if you were to drag blocks with 1, +, and 1 together, you would get a result of 2. We also decided to have some sort of teleportation/environment-switching mechanic in which a small calculator could be clicked to move from a “normal” office environment to the block-snapping environment.

Update 1


Basic block snapping is functional, but has several glaring issues with collision.

Update 2


Block creation and deletion has been implemented. Some of the collision issues have been solved, but other issues with raycasting and positioning decisions are now present.

Update 3


Circuit-style interaction between blocks has been implemented. Most of the issues regarding collision, raycasting, and positioning have been solved.

Update 4


Figured out and finalized interactions between player and blocks. Also added mechanics for adding different types of blocks as well as an output block.

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