Project 2: Development Journal

For Project 2, we decide to choose the interactions that seem to be the “everyday” routine for people. Initially, we set the scenario to be a regular morning. The interactions we come up with are getting out of bed, turning off the alarm, and drinking a cup of coffee made by the character. After talking to Sarah, we realize that waking up in bed and changing posture could be challenging to implement since we don’t have a delicate model for the character. Therefore, we change the setting and try to make the interactions different in how they are triggered by the controller. Eventually, the three interactions are:

  • Opening the door to the kitchen (with the trigger on the controller)
  • Turning on the light switch and adjusting brightness (with the touching pad)
  • Making coffee and drinking it (with buttons on the controller)

Here’s the whole-scene storyboard of our kitchen area. On the left side is a window from which dim light comes into the dark room. On the right side is the light and there will be a small glowing cue on it so that the player knows it’s interactable.

Update Mar.3rd

Ganjina and I started working on the environment setup and we choose to use a low-poly kitchen asset. We think it creates a homey feeling and some props come along with the animation, such as opening the microwave. However, they could only automatically play the animation. We will work further on modifying the animations and try to activate them with our desired interaction.

Update Mar.10th

Ganjina has finished setting up the kitchen scene and we like the space that is left for the player to walk around. The dining area looks warm and cozy. Hopefully, later we will only do some minor changes to the indoor decorations.

Update Mar.12th

Luize is working on adding rigid body to the GameObjects and adjusting indoor lighting. Chris gets the script for the light switch to work.

For the prop animation, unfortunately, I couldn’t get the animator working. Therefore, I decide to get rid off them and write scripts for the fridge and microwave. The principle is rotating the door along an axis when an interaction is activated.

Update Mar.14th

Luize has finished updating the kitchen and we like the wall color and lighting she chooses for the scene.

I have been working on the firework animation. Each firework emission has a sparkle as its Shader appearance. Each emission comes with it a trail and sub-emissions of small sparkles. Each burst at the end of a trail comes along with a bunch of delayed sub-emissions so that the bursts stay longer.

Update Mar.15th

I finished the firefly visual effect and manage to get the switch mechanism right. For the fireflies, their sizes change with a curve pattern depending on their lifetime. The curves are random but all come gradually to zero till one particle disappears. Noise is added to the flying trail so that it looks more realistic.

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