Project 2 – Development Journal

Group Members: Ellen, Christopher, Luize and Ganjina

Project Theme:  Student’s everyday life


For this project, we decided to create some simple interactions that take place in our everyday lives. At the beginning the interactions we had in mind were turning off an alarm, turning on the light and preparing a coffee. We wanted the user to get out of bed and then turn off an alarm, however, after talking to Sarah we realized that at this stage it would be hard to implement waking up in bed and changing posture in VR at this stage, therefore we decided to change some interactions.


  • opening the door
  • turning on the lights
  • making a coffee



  • Door
  • Kitchen area: plants, coffee machine, glasses, kettle, microwave, fridge,
  • room decor
  • light switch

We also decided to use some sound effects such as:

  • door opening
  • light switch
  • pouring coffee into cup


Update 1:

Unfortunately due to Coronavirus, we did not have access to VR headsets so we had to make some changes to our project by reducing the number of interactions, with using WASD keys instead of a VR headset. We finally opted for light switch as our main interaction. We decided to add multiple light switches, where the character walks around the room and turn on/off light switches. While turning on/off light switches, we have decided to add various actions that would alternate the place. Our initial idea was that the character walks through the door to the kitchen, but we ended up the character being already in the kitchen -> walks around and explores the space, while playing with light switches, where different actions occur when turning on/off the light switch to make the place more alternate.

Interactions (light switch):

  • turning on/off the light
  • fireflies emit over time, and fill the room until turning off the switch
  • fireworks – outside the window (to make the place more alternate)

Update 2:

Tasks that each needs to complete:

Ganjina – works on designing the scene of the kitchen

Chris – works on turning on/off the light (when pressing the light switch)

Luize – physics of the furniture, adding ceiling and a light source for the room

Ellen – works on adding effects: fireflies, and fireworks

Update 3:

Final Result:

  • the character stands inside of a room (kitchen)
  • multiple light switches across the room
  • when approaching the lights switch -> instructions appear on the screen to turn it on/off
  • different actions occur when light switches are on/off – to make the place alternate

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