Reading Response2

How would a response in VR seem intelligent (give an example, if possible)?

Responsive environment can perceive human behavior and response with auditory or visual feedback, which can be intelligently presented in virtual reality situation. Virtual reality is more immersive and focused on personal experience than other media like movies or books. So the participant can have more freedom to behave compared with sitting on a fixed position, surrounded by many other people and facing a fixed screen. With the ability of capturing the motion of human’s entire body, data VR can read will be much more complex and diverse so that after being processed by control systems it can generate more complicate responses and allow the intelligent learning process. VR may bot necessarily designed complicate in terms of the presence but the underlying formulas in making the response are on a much higher level than others, in a sense that they can specially fit a participant after him using it for a certain amount of time. For example, different form mobile phone games, a VR game of some activity simulation can possibly adjust its environment or game settings by reading the player’s input during the game time. The speed of movement, the scope of action, the reaction time or his height can matter and the game can be adapted to its player to build a most suitable playing environment for him. After the new environment is provided, new data of the interaction input can be sensed and by processing it again, the game model can be continuously modified.

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