Responding to Response as a Medium

To fully immerse in a VR environment, any small discrepancy disrupts the entire experience. Fundamentally, any type of response in VR should make sense and correspond to the performed action. For example, in a VR environment that includes a battle system, swinging an arm should not result in your leg kick out. Additionally, to respond intelligently, a response in VR must be able to take into account various different behaviors and to distinguish them. There should be consistency in determining behavior and the response.

VR presents an opportunity to explore beyond what is possible in this world. As an avid gamer, an intelligent response in VR in the context of games should be able to tell which action you are choosing and correctly affect the game. Take the example of Beat Saber: when the user slices from up to down, the response in VR should be a slash from up to down as well.

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