Development Journal: The Fantasy Land of Weilgailia

For my first VR project, I really wanted to create a fantasy landscape. I was heavily inspired by video games/rpgs such as Tales of Symphonia, The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword and Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. (Pictured below) I took particular interest in their scenes and puzzles in the sky.

Tales of Symphonia; entrance to the floating city in the sky known as Exire
Tales of Symphonia; walking on the floating city of Exire
Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword the city of Skyloft
Zoomed out view of Skyloft

These served as the inspiration for the fantasy islands I wanted to create, but I also want to include the aesthtics and architecture from Avatar the Last Airbender, and Avatar the feature film (with the blue people.)

An air temple from Avatar the Last Airbender; an example of architecture I want to follow
A temple from Avatar the Last Airbender that is upside down on a piece of land
The floating Islands in the feature film Avatar

Lastly, here is a sketch of my desired design.

I think an important aspect of my project is that I do not want the islands to be seen in full clarity, but to be seen in the distance with only vague shapes of their architecture. The user will be standing on a floating island with no connection to other islands, and will be looking into the distance at the other mythical places.

I hope to put a small amount of motion in the islands floating, as they move a little up and down, and I also hope to use a song, again from the game of Tales of Symphonia. (Possible song videos below)

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