Reading Response: Hamlet on the Holodeck, Ch 3

The phrase “virtual reality” just a few years ago meant something that seemed like a toy or just pleasant entertainment. Today, however, VR blends entirely with our everyday lives. It allows us to plunge ourselves into video games as if we were one of the characters. That being said VR creates a type of “fake world”, so when people put on a VR headset, their brain starts to believe that they have entered into a new world where they can actually move around and interact with virtual objects. Nevertheless, VR not only provides an immersive experience but also the sensation of being one with the character. It is very engaging to relate emotionally to the whole atmosphere while personally experiencing everything in detail. I believe in the near future VR will be the main focus. As you have seen, the world of virtual reality is constantly evolving. In fact, it could actually bring hundreds of benefits to any area such as education, health and entertainment.  As an example, from Murray’s reading, Eliza was an imitation of a therapist which was created at MIT. Where users would sit at a terminal and send messages to Eliza, who would respond that would initially involve some processing. Most of her answers were switching out pronouns to make the sentence and answer after some time. As Murray mentions in her readings, there was uncertainty and speculation whether or not it was possible to write a program that could be so persuasive. People actually thought they were talking with an actual therapist, for instance, in the story with the vice president where Eliza was not only persuasive but also very successful as a therapist in her role as well. 

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