VR Park Review

Going to the VR Park after our growing knowledge and interactions with Unity VR the past semester made me appreciate and see the games through a different perspective and appreciate and notice the little things I wouldn’t have otherwise.

The way the games (at least most of them) were presented was that the player was strapped to a seat in both real and virtual life which helped in immersing the user in the game without facing the issues of having the player walk out of frame or break through virtual walls

The games that included physical movements that I tried out were the maze game and the multiplayer game fighting zombies. The maze game had physical walls built into the area so even if the player tried to walk through the virtual walls they physically won’t be able to due to the barriers. On the other hand the zombie multiplayer game although the only barrier to limit the player was only located in the virtual world, but due to the scary zombies running and charging towards you, your “fake” barrier would actually prevent the zombies from reaching you, thus making the player realize where they are is actually the safest place to be, and this barrier is protecting them

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