Development Blog 3

We added the function where when the user inserts an object into the pot, the pot reacts by blowing out colorful bubbles. We tested different colors, sizes, textures, and speed of the bubbles so that they enhance the experience. We finally decided that we will use a gradation of colors, beginning from pink, then turning, purple, and then lastly blue to appeal more aesthetically. 

We also came up with an introduction narrative like the following:

“Do you see the objects flying around? Well actually, they only look like they are flying to YOU. You have been poisoned, and the hallucination is only one of the thousand side effects. If you want to survive, gather the ingredients to make your antidote. Of course, find the recipe first. You have two minutes until the poison takes over you and you will become a nobody. Good luck!”

I asked a male friend of mine to do the voiceover, and this is the end product.

Detoxification Introduction Voiceover

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