Project #3 development blog. Atoka and Max.

Development blog #1. 15/04/2019.

Atoka has been working on the environment leaving me to work with the scripts. The setup was that our project takes place in a dungeon crypt which looks something like this:

After dealing with the light settings and applying a more darker skybox (to make the crypt darker) I have encountered a small problem when I started testing the environment in the VR headset. Due to the fact that we have quite a couple of lights (18 light sources), the computer can’t handle it and simply crashes (blue screen). Our professor suggested us to use lightmapped textures to replace the light sources.

Development blog #2 5/5/2019

We have implemented most of the interactions including the cauldron and the feedback system of the cauldron. The cauldron has an invisible collider at its bottom. Anything that collides with it, gets destroyed and plays the particle system as can be seen in the picture below. User testing was also done to get feedback based on the user perspective rather than the creator perspective. Based on the user feedback we have added some teleportation points and and turned the gravity off since it was very easy. And now when the objects are released. I have started working on the scripts, started to create the script that will store the data in the cauldron, but failed miserably :/. Atoka in the meanwhile was finishing of the environment and doing the voice over (special thanks to Sebastian Caro and Ahmed Meshref) Also we have completed the lightmap using light emission textures

destroyer collider
Particle system
Teleportation points

Development blog #3 20/5/2019

The final scripts left to be done until the game is finished. In the past week we have completed the final scripts such as :
-winning list generation
-printing that list on the clipboard
-restarting the game
-game over/winning screen
-playing sounds whenever they are supposed to

Just some finishing moves and user testing and we got this:

User testing. Staring: Vivian.

Here are some screenshots of the final version:

Scripts used
Light textures

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