
  • Education
  • Social media
  • Training professionals
  • Architecture representation
  • House retailers
  • Autism assistance
  • Overcoming phobias
  • help with PTSD, anxiety
  • this list can go on & on..

I feel like although VR in the perfect mindset would be used to achieve great things through education and training as well as advertisement. But what is seen to be the most common thing that ties people to one another is social media. The tool of VR can be applied to so many things but when applied to the way humans communicate, it would provide an new platform which might be dangerous in the way it would immerse individuals into complete different realities thus escaping their own.

There is this show that I watched previously called “Kiss Me First”, where you would follow the rise of technological advances where they managed the sense of touch in VR. The show represents quite a dystopia, but i feel like it’s an interesting way of thinking where VR is heading. It isn’t just a social media platform but a game as well, and that is sort of a new idea to cross these two things.

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