This project was created together with Mai Lootah and Shenuka Corea. Since they were working more on the environment and textures and animation, I was working on the scripts and mostly will dicuss them.
This project is a greenhouse on an alien planet where you can see all sorts of alien plants. And when you place a seed in the pot and water it, something weird grows. Some plants make sound, like the one that is behind you and placed in a cage.
There were a total of two main interaction and some secondary interactions. The main interaction was tied to the seed. You can pick it up, its throwable, but the goal is to put it into the pot. Once the seed is in the pot, you can water it to make it grow. That is the second interaction which is tilting the watering jug so it could pour water. This script was a disaster since it was the first script I have ever written. The secondary interactions are the gardening instruments that can be picked up and thrown.
It started off with an empty terrain where we put an imported from the asset store greenhouse (costed is 1$) and made the outside tree meshes and grass. After the we have created a work station which included some benches from that same greenhouse asset and pots. Right after that we have added mesh colliders to every part of the work station and added a new asset which was the gardening tools. The main camera was set in front of the work station and it consisted of the “player” from the steamVR interaction example scene. After the environment was set by Shenuka and Mai, I have started working on the scripts. The first script was to make the particle system, which was attached to the water canister, play when tilted. This script used the transform.euler angle (took me a while to figure out) and when it is in the desired range, just run it. The next script was the collision detection of the seed and pot. That one was not hard: when the seed is on the soil of the pot, pass a “true” boolean value. The next script was to detect collision from the particle system to the seed. Not hard as well, same thing as with the seed and pot. Next is making a counter for the seed which will count the particles of the water only when the seed is in the pot. That is where we need the seed with pot collision script, and once there is enough water for the seed, it shrinks and the plant grows. This was another script named “growth”. If growth was true, the seed began to shrink and plant to grow. Those are all the scripts that were created to make our project 2.
Our goal was to make a greenhouse with a man-eater plant. You can find a clue about it if you look behind you (same plant in cage) and that it is dangerous. As it is seen on the pictures of the blog which was dedicated to expectations before the project was started, we have reached our expectations. The environment was really well made to understand that we are actually on an alien planet.