Project 1 Documentation. Sunset Valley.

This project was made to show the environment that could be possibly perfect. The environment set as a goal was a sunset valley.

I have created a mountain area with trees. The main camera was set at the top of the mountain, not the highest, but then the ground level. From that point of you you could see a lovely sunset and some trees that are below you.

Process and implementation:
Using a terrain tool I have raised the terrain in some areas to make it look like mountains and using the brush tool I have added tree meshes and grass meshes. After that I have added some filters on the main camera to make the sunset look even better and move the camera using the “smooth mouse look” script. This made a wonderful representation of the sunset valley.

This places is build to make a person be immersed into a nice place where you can clear your thoughts and just relax. I have never seen a place with such sunset before personally, but now I have a goal to find something in real life that will look very similar.

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