Project 1 Documentation

What I have learned from this project

This was my first time building an environment on unity. My biggest issue when it came to building the environment was recognizing the three dimensional space. It was really hard to see where exactly lots of the objects were placed. Because I was so used to the two dimensional designs that I used to do, making a three dimensional space was difficult. I could not make good use of the total space. Instead all the objects were placed on one side of the environment. However, I was able to learn how to think of the space in a three dimensional way. I think this will help me in my future projects. I will be able to plan out the space better and place things better.

Limitations and Reflection

Biggest issue I had with the project was not considering the viewer. When I designed the place I was thinking of the space more as a picture of a place. I thought of it as drawing a painting instead of building a physical space. Because of this, when I was planning everything I did not consider the viewer or the viewer’s experience. The viewer rarely had any interaction with the space due to it. Moreover this was the biggest reason why I had issues with the camera.

I did have technical issues with setting the camera, but I was lost when I was thinking of where to put the camera. There was only one way to put the camera which was putting it in front of the scene, but once I did, there wasn’t any interaction factor to the space.

What I want to work on my next project

What I want to work on my next project is to build a good base for my space and to use all of the space possible. I want to build a solid plane and walls around the space so the viewer could have easier time understanding the place. I also want to try building different buildings on the plane.

Also I would like to add more elements to the environment. I want to make sure the user and turn around and see different objects around him/her instead of not having anything once they turn around.

Here is the link to my presentation about this project

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