Google Cardboard VR : Invasion

I have decided to try Invasion for my Google Cardboard experience. It was a very immersive experience but there were several factors that I thought was really significant.

As soon as I started watching the video, I was kind of confused. Nothing was really happening in the screen and I was looking around. However, something that really helped me figure out what was happening was sound. I heard sound and I looked around to see where the sound is coming from. Without the sound it would have been hard to figure out what exactly was happening. When the alien spaceship was showing up in the sky, the surrounding sound made the viewer look around. There was a sound that made me look around and look up to see what exactly was happening. It made me realize, that sound is as important as the environment itself when it comes to viewer experience.

Moreover, What I have realized is that when I am building environment, I do not get to use the whole space. I usually would use half of the space and not use the space behind the viewer. What I found interesting is that this VR experience lets the viewer explore and move around a lot. It was the usage of space that made the viewer, for example, myself to look around and fully experience it.

Also there were some parts where the characters approach the user. Personally I thought that was very adorable. Because of the interaction with the characters it made me feel like I was actually there with them instead of feeling like I am watching them from far away. The eye contact these characters make and the noises they make was very significant.

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