Interaction I like: Instagram Stories Stickers

Instagram engagement is no longer just likes and comments, it also includes engagement from your stories to build connections between you and your followers, to encourage your followers to chat and share their opinions and experiences with you and therefore to interact with your viewers to foster the loyalty/stickiness.

A simple interaction I like between two human beings is the way we comment/reply to each other on instagram stories via stories stickers like question/poll and vote stickers. They are easy to use, fast to get response, and the results of the interactions are clearly visualized to be seen.

Here are two examples that indicate how stories sticker increase the Instagram engagement/interaction:

The Question Sticker:

Nothing sparks conversation more than a good AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Instagram Stories. And while influencers have been known to use the question sticker to help their followers get to know them more. It’s also a great opportunity for your followers to get to know yourself or a specific brand better, or get more information about your products.

On the flipside, it’s a great place for you to ask your followers some questions. You could spark a conversation about your VR project inspiration, your next season’s color palette, or what product lines they’d like to see more of. It’s engagement, conversation, and customer feedback altogether and it’s designed to be user friendly for both instagrammer and followers. All you need to do is to drag the bar / comment your ideas at the spot.

Poll and Vote Stickers:

Ask people to vote can make you decision-making much more easier and give your followers a sense of they are participating in your choice making in your life and people are also curios about what other people’s choices are. All they need to do to join the decision making is by simply tap the answer and the portion of each choice will be shown after you make your own choice.

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