An Interaction I Like (Part 1): Tough Bluff

The game One Night Ultimate Werewolf has its players bluffing and lying in order to win ( sort of like mafia).

At the beginning of the game each player is given a card. One or more players are werewolves and the rest are villagers. Each villager has an action that they perform during the ‘night’.

As soon as each player knows what they are, all players must close their eyes, only opening them to perform an action as instructed by the voice on the accompanying app during the ‘night’. Cards are stolen, swapped and spied on and when every action has been performed all the players ‘wake up’.

Now the real game begins. The players have 5 minutes to figure out who the werewolves among them are in order to vote on who to ‘kill’. The main interaction consists of discussion amongst the players as to who is trustworthy and whose story checks out. This stage can get pretty raucous and tense. But you never really know anyone’s true identity until after the voting and the cards are revealed.

Five whole minutes of the game are spent with the players talking it out. What I love about this game is how it has everyone in suspicion of each other which underlies the whole process of the interactions between them. Players band together, try to decide who to trust, bluff (double bluff and triple bluff), test other players to see if their story checks out, trick each other into revealing important information, look for inconsistencies in each other’s stories, double cross each other etc. Not everyone is who they claim to be and you decide who you can trust.

Here is an example of a game…

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