Development Blog

I want to make an environment that portrays fear; i feel like in VR environments fear is one of the strongest feelings that it could show since it shows a reality you are not familiar with and thus with the freedom of the digital world, so many things could be expressed.


  • Something chasing you
  • Slenderman forest
  • Abandoned shack
  • Night time
  • Monsters
  • Alone
  • Scary sounds
  • Zombies

I want to work further on the zombies idea; inspired from the game Call Of Duty Black Ops Zombies.

I found so many helpful packages on the assist store that can complete the environment i have in my mind,


  • Zombies
  • Shack
  • Night sky
  • Zombie sounds
  • Terrain
  • Fire
  • Rain
  • Fog
  • Winter terrain?
  • Rain sounds?
  • lamp

Its a bit hard finding the perfect lighting, on the zombies and the shack to make it visible and at the same time have it dark enough to add to the scary theme.

The package of zombies has animation embedded in it and i tweaked the animation of the zombie to what i feel to be most effective and suitable. I also included a zombie in the side mirror of the shack and behind the main zombie as well, this adds to the feeling of being surrounded and trapped

I found zombie sounds and i put it on loop as well

Hesitant with where to have the main camera begin facing, the zombie at the door or anywhere else in the shack and have the player discover the zombie at the door?

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