
By creating the environment i have done, i hoped to present and portray a mixture of feelings; from fear, trapped, and a feeling of being lost and alone in a world with monsters.

I decided to place the player in a broken down looking shed facing a dimly lit corner, and at first they would think they are alone, but as they focus on the multiple scary sounds playing in the back and the ability to look around at your surroundings the player realizes he is not alone and there are scary things outside and they have their eyes on him.

At first i created and edited the shack to fit the idea i had in my head with the help of multiple prefabs of lamps and dim light bulbs

Then i decorated my platform with multiple scattered zombies,

I then included a night sky box with a cloudy atmosphere

Here is a video of the game play;


Reflection/Evaluation: I really enjoyed playing around with Unity and the freedom you have with creating almost anything. I feel like this project, although very simple is something that I am happy about, although I feel like I have yet so many ideas to add such as weather (rain, blizzard, fog) and maybe a winter themed terrain with a campfire.

Here are the files for Unity;


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