Alternate Realities

IM-UH 3111
Remote: Zoom
Classroom: C3-019
Time: Tuesday 2:40pm – 3:55pm, Thursday 1:15pm – 3:55pm GST
Instructor: Michael Allison
Office: C3-162
Office hours: M/W by appointment

Course Description

Since the dawn of civilization, alternate realities have been a means to shape a culture’s understanding itself and its perception of the actual reality in which it exists.  While traditions may have changed, the immersive storytelling of alternate realities has always stayed with us, evolving along with media technology, unlocking new means of expression.

For the first time in history, computer assisted extended reality (XR) technology is proving to be capable of conjuring immersive experiences that bring dreamscapes and story worlds completely to life in an unprecedented fidelity — and this immersive tech is more accessible and available now than it has ever been in the past. 

In this hands-on design and production course students will learn the prerequisite skills needed to create immersive alternate realities and use them as a creative means of expressing new ideas and telling new stories. Students will learn the basics of working with the Unity 3D Game Engine and XR design and development techniques in service of constructing narrative-driven XR experiences.

Learning Outcomes

  • Develop a critical framework for understanding and analyzing the fundamentals of design, behavior and communication in the context of alternate realities.
  • Gain the ability to design and develop a 3D interactive application using the Unity3D game engine.
  • Develop a conceptual model for interaction design, leveraging both user-testing best practices and core principles of user experience.
  • Learn to prototype and implement audio/visuals for a 3D environment.
  • Gain exposure to and experience with innovative and forward-thinking forms of immersive storytelling.


All readings in addition to the required text listed below will be available as links or PDFs through NYU Classes website

Required Text:
Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978, ISBN 9780156453800
Hamlet on the Holodeck, Janet Murray, MIT Press, 1998, ISBN 9780262631877

Recommended Text:
Aesthetics of Interaction in Digital Art, Katja Kwastek, MIT Press, 2013, ISBN 9780262317207


Students should have a laptop and a stable Internet connection and equipment set up to use Zoom, and be able to share audio and video during class meetings.  As the course progresses, students will get access to Oculus Quest 2 for use in assignments throughout the course.

Academic Integrity

NYU Abu Dhabi expects its students to adhere to the highest possible standards of scholarship and academic conduct. Students should be aware that engaging in behaviors that violate the standards of academic integrity will be subject to review and may face the imposition of penalties in accordance with the procedures set out in the NYUAD policy: integrity/

In other words: Plagiarism is a serious issue. Attribute, attribute, attribute, in word and code. Plagiarism is grounds for failure.